Dentis is one of the best dental clinics in Guatemala. We offer a wide variety of dental services including teeth whitening, restorations, fillings and more. Dentis Smiles, Perfect Smiles!
Teeth Whitening
100% effective and painless process to rejuvenate your smile and beautify your face.
Improve dental position through light movements that allow better aesthetics and dental hygiene.
Dental Implants
Conservative and biological treatment to recover one or more teeth.
Invisible Restorations
Aesthetic restorations that allow the removal of cavities and the repair of defects created by it. Substitution of silver fillings for fillings with aesthetic materials.
Dental Cleaning
Prevention procedure that allows to maintain a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain sheets to quickly correct the color and position of the teeth, as an alternative to crowns.